Monday, December 1, 2008

What a Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving weekend was a blast and of course seemed too short. We had a great time at the Grace's celebrating with friends and eating way too much! Just look at that turkey!!

We continued the over eating at the Bonk's where use females lost by a hair at battle of the sexes - stupid face masking. Unfortunately our celebration got cut short with mom & pop because mom was not feeling well. But she is feeling better now!
We unfortunately don't get to see or hear the 'prunes' until next week which seems like an eternity. We have an ultra sound next Tuesday where we see if the twins are sharing a sac. We might be able to see the sex but it is pretty early.

Only 24 days until Christmas!!! :)


UneeMonet said...

WOW! What an update & Happy December!

Looks like early summer babies.

looking fwd to many more posts
of your soon to be party of 5.

Matt said...

that turkey is hot.

oh, the one on the platter is nice too.

