Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Surprise - TWINS!!!

We decided to start a blog to allow family and friends a glimpse into our soon to be VERY crazy lives.

We had our scheduled 8 week first ultrasound for our second baby on Nov 12th. Everything was going pretty par for the course, however the tech kept going back and forth between two spots and every time she stopped there was another heart beat. Just as I was about to ask the tech what was going on, she said "Looks like you are having twins!" I immediately assumed it was a joke and even asked her if she was joking. In a calm, cold voice the tech flatly said, "I don't joke about twins."

Some technical info: twins will be identical, they were 8 weeks when we had our ultra sound, way too early to find out the sex (we will find out this time around seeing as it is a different ball game).

Emerson loves babies, but he has no idea! He is such a good little man, he will be the best big brother to these two little ones.

This shall be a crazy ride, if you want to tag along via blogging hope on board the Bonk Train. Our small house will be home to: 2 adults, 2 dogs, 3 cats and 3 babies under the age of 3 -
it will be a ride!!


Barbara Schwind said...

What a great idea, Melanie! I don't know how you have time for all this. Congratulations to you and JA. Can't wait to find out more about your two new babies. Hope to see you, JA and Emerson soon! Love, B.

April said...

Congratulations. What a great surprise. You sure will be busy, but it will be wonderful.
I love the blog. Update it often! So, when is your due date? June 09?

Dawn said...



My brother has a 4 year old little girl, and 7 month old twin boys (not identical)...so it's a LOT of FUN!!!

I love the blog - and can't wait to hear more!


Sherri G said...

This is going to be so much fun sharing and watching this journey with you. Remember help is only a phone call away.
Love ya all.

Mike Pick said...

I love the blog idea...then you don't have to repeat your story 500 times! We are so excited for you guys!

Uncle Kevin said...

My darling niece:

Well first you give me my first grandnephew and now THIS!! As a father of twins, I can attest to the fact that you are about to embark on the most amazing journey of your life! Hold on tight, it's gonna be a helluva ride. Plus, this way you have a decent chance of at least one of your kids liking you as they grow up! Mr. Emerson will be a fanstastic big brother. I almost wish twin brothers for him, but I sure loved raising twin daughters ... well, until the 'teen' years anyway!

So what does this really all mean? That you've had sex with your husband at least TWICE! Yuck!

Keep your radiant smile and wonderful maternal instincts by your side at all times and you WILL get through this. Dr. Daddy has got to realize now once and for all that he's an equal partner in all of this now and HOLY CRAP are your collective hands gonna be full now.

That, and the diapers.

All my love, forever ...

Uncle Kevin

Michelle said...

CONGRATULATIONS BONKS!!! How exciting...what a great way to let us join in the journey. Best wishes to you all always!

<3 Michelle and Gregg :)

Uncle Kevin said...

Hi everyone! I reviewed my comment above and want to make sure everyone understands -- I know full well that John has been a wonderful father to Emerson. I meant no disrespect by typing "Dr. Daddy has got to realize now once and for all that he's an equal partner in all of this now ..." and see how easily those words could be misinterpreted with the clarity of restrospection. John knows I love 'im to death and that I fully respect his efforts in raising Em.

My point was HOLY CRAP are things gonna change, and that perspective is developed from over 20 years of being a father of twins myself.

I love ya, John and Mel, and wish I could simply 'edit out' the unfortunate choice of words above.

Sometimes I hate the internet.

This is one of them.

For the record: JOHN IS A WONDERFUL FATHER, HUSBAND, MAN and soon MEDICAL DOCTOR. If he were an athlete, I couldn't hold his jockstrap by comparison.

Just in case any of you read the statement above and thought otherwise.

Good luck to you both from back here in snowy Wisconsin.

All my love, always, and with great humility, I remain,

Sincerely yours,

Uncle Kevin

Emily Evans said...

I'm so excited! The more Bonk babies the better :)